What A Woman Wants
Every woman wants a man,
A man that will take care of her,
Yet not patronize her.
A man stronger than her,
Yet gentle enough to touch her.
A man that has her back as she has his,
Yet isn't afraid to put her in her place.
A man that shares his love,
Yet only shows to her.
A man that isn't afraid to call her his own,
Yet keeps her a secret.
A man that loves her for who she is,
Yet admires her for who she is becoming.
A man who stands beside her,
Yet stands against her.
A man who listens.
Yet converses.
A man who considers,
Yet offers opinion.
A man who stands up for her,
Yet stands up to her.
A man who tells her when she is being ridiculous,
Yet loves her for her ridiculousness.
A man who calls her out on her bullshit,
Yet loves her bullshit.
A man who puts her in her place,
Yet knows when not too.
Every women wants a man to take control,
Yet allow them to be in control...
Such a beautiful contradiction...
Wrapped in a bow,
We call love.